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GPYC Guest Policy

Grosse Pointe Yacht Club and its members are pleased to host visiting yacht club members, whether by land or by sea. The first step is to request your club’s membership department to send a letter of introduction via email to our Front Desk at Once the letter is received, the Front Desk will submit the request for approval by the General Manager or Membership Director. Once approved, you will receive an email outlining the next steps including dining reservations and guest boat well reservation (if applicable).  As an overnight guest at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club, you are entitled to use of all amenities (Pool, Fitness Center, Racquet Sports, etc.).  When arriving to the Club, you must stop at the Front Desk to retrieve your guest card. This card will grant you access to all areas of the Club.  The GPYC requires that all charges are settled by credit card prior to departure.